Conservation Department

The Philmont Conservation Department is a fully functioning year-round Conservation Corps. The department runs programs focusing on volunteer engagement, environmental education, and wildfire prevention and mitigation, and other programs. The department employs approximately 120 seasonal staff every summer and approximately 70 staff during the fall and winter seasons.

Mission Statement

The Philmont Conservation Department is dedicated to managing, maintaining, and planning for the sustainable use of Philmont’s recreational and natural resources through proactive stewardship, volunteer engagement, education, hard work, and the ideals of Scouting America.

Philmont Fire Recovery & Mitigation

The ranch has now implemented a Restorative Thinning Treatment program. This method, widely used across the West, aims to minimize the impact of wildfires by reducing excess fuels and restoring the landscape to a state that would resemble its condition had fire continued to play a role in the ecosystem.

Camper Conservation Program​

As part of the Philmont Arrowhead Award, campers complete must complete three hours of conservation work as part of the Camper Conservation Program. Projects are varied, but all focus on land restoration or recreation infrastructure improvement. The participants’ work is vital to the overall maintenance of Philmont.

Fire Ecology and Forestry​

Fire has always been a part of the ecosystem of the Southwest. Throughout history fires shaped the ecosystems of Philmont. Following the advent of European settlement, the impact of human activities replaced fire as the primary influence on natural systems, resulting in a landscape ill-suited to withstand wildfires. Today, the Philmont Conservation Department is managing for resilient forest systems that benefit the natural ecosystem.


The Philmont Conservation Department was created in the way that most things are at Philmont: a group of passionate seasonal staff decided that something needed to be done to improve the trails and campsites and decided that they were the people to do it. Officially formed in 1971, the Conservation Department has a long history of promoting stewardship and hard work to all who visit Philmont.

Seasonal Staff Opportunities​

The Conservation Department is directed by a team of four career staff and employs approximately 120 staff during the summer and 70 during the fall and winter. Some focuses of staff positions include volunteer engagement, trail construction and maintenance, forestry and fire mitigation, sustainable land use, geographic information systems, environmental restoration.

Individual Programs

The Conservation Department sponsors four unique individual trek programs that focus on conservation skills and allow participants to experience The Ranch in a totally different way than any other program.

  • Order of the Arrow Trail Crew (OATC) is a 14-day individual program that brings Arrowmen together from across the country for a week of trail building followed by a week of trek program. It focuses on the tenants of the Order of the Arrow: brotherhood, cheerfulness and service.
  • Roving Outdoor Conservation School (ROCS) is a 21-day experience for individuals that combines unique conservation work with field lessons and guest speakers that help participants understand the environment that makes Philmont special.
  • Trail Crew Trek (TCT) is a 14-day program that consists of seven days of trail construction followed by seven days of trek. TCT is designed to develop leadership skills and prepare participants to plan conservation projects in their communities.
  • Volunteer Vacation is a one week fall program for adults registered in Scouting America. It is designed to give volunteers an opportunity to be a part of the Philmont trail machine and leave a physical legacy while experiencing the Philmont in a unique way.
  • PhilBreak is a one-week alternative spring break program open to members of the Philmont Staff Association, the Order of the Arrow, and general Scouting members, both youth and adults. During this week, participants work alongside timber thinning crews from the Philmont Conservation Department to enhance the health of the Philmont forests and improve the safety of the ranch.
  • Sportsman’s Adventure is a unique opportunity for scouters to experience a big game hunt on Philmont Property. Integral to Philmont’s wildlife management policy, Sportsmen must be recommended by a local Scout Executive in order to apply for a hunting slot.
Learn more about all of Philmont’s individual opportunities on the individual treks page.